important RESOURCES
New Hampshire
Fish & Game

As the guardian of the state's fish, wildlife and marine resources, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department works in partnership with the public to: conserve, manage and protect these resources and their habitats; Inform and educate the public about these resources; and provide the public with opportunities to use and appreciate these resources.
New Hampshire
Marine Patrol

Marine Patrol's mission is to provide a safe, enjoyable, and environmentally responsible use for all of the State's public waters. Through its three sections, operations, aids to navigation, and the Boating Education Program, the Unit provides a comprehensive Marine Safety Program, places over 5,000 aids to navigation, and offers boating education for all recreation and commercial boat operators.
NH Lakes

The New Hampshire Lakes Association is dedicated to protecting New Hampshire lakes and their watersheds through education and advocacy.
Save Our

Save Our Groundwater (SOG) is a New Hampshire Seacoast-based citizens action organization dedicated to protecting water in the public trust. We formed in 2001 in response to a bottled water company’s application to take more than 400,000 gallons/day from the aquifer underlying our rural communities; to date not one drop has been bottled. Join us in celebrating twelve years of protecting our water–sign up for our email updates and help the movement grow by becoming a member.