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Swains Lake Update... Milfoil & 4th of July

We would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July – we are going to pause the Boat Parade for at least one more year. We feel it would be irresponsible to do it so close after the Milfoil treatment as we are trying to maximize the results and don’t want to spread anything left behind. We do encourage everyone to decorate their docks/homes to celebrate!


We have a new Loon Biologist, Ethan, working with us this year and he has been very attentive to us on the Lake – they are reporting 4 healthy Loons on the Lake this summer – we did have one confirmed next on the small lake on the backside of the island and Matt put the signage in. We really do not know why but they did abandon that nest, however, yesterday Ethan and Matt were back out to the island to confirm we have a new nest!! Fingers crossed that we have a new baby soon!! Please be cautious in that area to help them stay comfortable and safe.


THE PROCESS: The milfoil plants begin to absorb the chemical (ProcellaCOR) immediately when it is placed in the area of the patch. The boat is an airboat, and it is retrofitted with a large tank to hold the chemical which is mixed with water when applied. A number of hoses apply the herbicide directly underneath the surface of the lake. This prevents "spray" from blowing on shore.

TREATMENT SUMMARY: On Monday, June 12, Solitude treated 74 acres of the lake. They did advise us more treatments in the future. The State will be back on the lake in the Fall to do a survey to help us identify future needs.


We did a check on the heavier spots and it is definitely turning brown – boat launch, the dam area and Mica Point -we have been advised that within 3-4 weeks after treatment they will die off. (pictures below)

From Linda Briggs – Lake Host Manager: Those of us who have had conversations with our regulars, those guys that go out at 4:30 AM and return at 3:00 PM, have heard that the weeds have practically disappeared in the channel to and from the ramp, and the trailers that pull out are almost clean of weeds. We are telling everyone that we need to remain vigilant because we know we did not get 100% of the milfoil.

Existing BROKEN or FLOATING before TREATMENT: The milfoil that was already broken off and floating around the lake can still take root, because as a floating stem, it won't absorb the herbicide, (floating stems have no roots to absorb this chemical which targets the root system). So, this will be an ongoing process on a yearly basis, although Amy expects each year we will need less and less. So, as we asked last year, if you see it floating, please try to pick it up (pool skimmer, etc) and remove from the lake – if rooted – please do not pull it out as it spreads wildly that way.

Your support and Membership is important as we work to battle this on the Lake. We would like to see all residents on the Lake to be part of Swains Lake Association, and help all of us keep our Lake healthy. At the moment we only have about 30% of residents as Members. We need your help for sure to encourage everyone to join!

We appreciate everyone’s support!

We will update again as we receive more information!

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