By: Zak Downing
If you were at the boat launch casting a line, putting your boat in, or taking a running break this weekend your eyes may have been attracted to a new piece of signage added.
As always, it is one of our main concerns that we keep our lake water quality as excellent as possible. One of the issues that has risen at past board and member meetings is the concern of a lack of authority at the boat launch to monitor boats/trailers before they enter our lake. All it would take is for one trailer or boat propeller to carry a seedling of an exotic water plant before a serious issue would be on our hands.
The board has been looking into NH Lake Association funding which would allow us to place someone on duty. As the board looks into this option we have made a helpful step by placing signage at the public boat launch and at the Barrington Shores Campground boat launch to help promote "Clean Boats & Clean Waters".
A thank you to Matt N. for installing them and Amy at NH DES(Department of Environmental Services) for providing the signage.